And my heart skips a beat
Ensued by rapid pumping
For I know what is to come
Is hurtful words and yelling
And my body begins to feel weak
A chill runs down my spine
And my joints failing beneath me
If only I were unconscious
My spirit now damaged
Torn beyond repair
No more is my saviour
The one who calms my soul
She who gives me strength
Who I seek is no more here
I feel defeated everyday
A battle lost before begun
Undoubtedly this is not fair
For a chance I do not stand
Once young and full of love
So much untapped potential
One who lived traumatized for many years
Now claims that throne beside the mentor
I have failed, yes, I have
Most times I keep still
Afraid of more abuse
I might not say the right things
I may not say what he wants to hear
But my silence too is penalized
There is no black nor white
Or even gray areas for me
I have no say in anything
My advises no longer heed
Alas what is my means to be?
Image from Inspiration of Lyric
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